Anglesey League
We have now a file charting this League from the 1890’s. It needs further research pre-WW1 and between the wars but the notes supplied by former League Secretary John Roberts have given us a magnificent base to build on. Thanks to Ian for loading them onto disk.
Welsh Football League
With the help of the Welsh League’s webmaster, Tony Griffiths, we have been able to build a considerable file of tables requiring only a few from between the wars and some pre-WW1 tables to find.
A text history of the League’s beginnings is being drawn up and I’m sure a number of members will be keen to view the interpretation! It will be open to debate as members compare notes.
South Wales Leagues
I have contacted Eddie Oliver, Secretary of the Pembrokeshire League for 28yrs, regarding information on that League and he will make enquiries for us at the next meeting (11/01/05).
I have also spoken to Alan Latham, former Carmarthen Town secretary, regarding info on the Carmarthenshire League and he has promised to contact the appropriate persons involved with the League.
Tyrone Olding has agreed to tackle the Taff Ely and Rhymney Valley Alliance to ask their help in covering their League and the two Leagues which formed the Alliance.
Some local papers have already covered our project and more will be circulated now that the Christmas holidays are past. I will also be contacting “SOCCER HISTORY” the current top publication for football historians and statisticians. More in the next bulletin.
Text histories
If anyone has any notes on the creation of any Leagues listed in the accompanying attachments please can you send them along?
This will be my next main priority as we need to start presenting our findings which will hopefully encourage others to join the project. As I have no idea how to do it myself and we have no funding available to pay a professional I will have to ask around to see if anyone is willing to do it for free!
Something of a longshot I fear!
Those involved with the project so far are:
- Mel Thomas
- Ian Garland
- Aled Jones
- Alun Evans
- Peter Arrowsmith
- Gavin Grosvenor
- Dave Rapson
- Alan Ahearne
- Gareth Hughes
- Clive Wyatt
- Dave Collins
- Tony Griffiths
New members will hopefully be added soon as people become aware of the project.
To close, please would all recipients stay in regular touch especially if new items come to light. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Mel 10/01/05